I am His!
Hey GIrl, the Podcast, Episode 4I’d like to introduce you to my friend Rachel—a woman who is loving and kind. She exudes a positivity and optimism that is inspiring. But to meet Rachel today, you would never know the amazing experience she lived through.
Rachel’s parents were Christians who believed that Jesus’ return was imminent, so they uprooted their family and moved to the remote woods of Tennessee—where there was no electricity, no running water, no people--completely disconnected from civilization! You might think that Rachel’s experience would turn her away from God. After all, who can love a God who looks and sounds like your father—the red-headed tyrant who keeps you confined and bound by guilt and shame? But Rachel says God revealed Himself to her despite the distorted perception of Him that she was shown. Rachel’s story is proof that no matter how harsh, unfair or even extreme your circumstances might be, God is a constant, loving presence who is still in control—even when life seems out of control! He wants you to know that He’s with you, He hears you, He has you and you are His.
If you'd like to connect with Rachel and learn more about her book, Born Yesterday,click here: Rachel Williams Smith