Premier Episode!
Hey Girl, the Podcast, Episode 1Welcome to the premier episode of Hey Girl, the podcast! I’m Kem with an “E” and I’m so excited to welcome you here. For two years we came to you live on Facebook, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. We swapped stories and shared the insights of amazing women just like you. There were so many great conversations! Now, we’re back with more inspiration and information to help you live your best life. At the end of the day, life can be complex and overwhelming, but knowing we’re not alone is what helps us get through.
In this premier episode of Hey Girl, the podcast I explain what this show is all about. Girlfriends hold each other up, hold each other accountable, or just hold each other. Our lives require a lot from us and often our only reprieve is when we’re hangin’ with our girls—the ones who call our name without judgment. In this podcast we’ll dig deeper into this question of identity—how we see ourselves and how others see us—but we’ll begin with who we are in relation to God. We’ll make his name for us our starting point. Then we’ll look at how we tackle our day-to-day responsibilities. Do we operate from a position of weakness or strength? Hey Girl, the podcast, is here to help you identify your strengths. This is a journey towards wholeness and fullness with your girlfriends by your side!